Monday, August 27, 2012

When a family gets crafty, we get a craft room! |

Its finally happened! The girls have discovered the joy of crafts ? unfortunately, this means they are constantly pinching all my stuff but I?ll try to be calm about it.

Millie has taught herself to knit rather than sleep and is often found clicking away at midnight. (Her project of choice is an IPod cover if you are wondering)?It was our wedding anniversary on Saturday so Millie and Violet set about raiding the craft supplies and came up with this fabulous card. I can?t remember them being so quiet for such a long period of time for ages. Its ironic that one of my plans for the summer was to get the girls crafting but they have gone on and done it without me.

It?s wonderful to feel that the HUGE collection of craft supplies I have built up over the years have a new lease of life but it has made me how much we have and that we need a blinkin good sortout. I have agreed with OH that our office is to be turned into a craft haven. Its a small room that is shamefully currently the home of our enormous ironing pile. The desk has been donated to a friends shop so needs replacing with a more suitable workspace. An ideal opportunity for us to go to

As for me, I?m into EVERYTHING! My involvement with our local WI has resulted in me picking up my knitting needles again, I?ve learnt to cross-stitch (very slowly) and am gradually finding my way around my sewing machine. We are even embarking on our first attempt at Guerilla Knitting/Yarn Bombing with a huge project being underway. I personally fancy having a go at these lovely knitted synchronised swimmers!

I hate to mention the ?C? word but Christmas present plans are well under way ? I will admit to a couple of unfinished projects from last year being on the list but there?s a lot of ironing to get through first! With only 51 weeks to go until the big 40, time is pressing for the completion of the ironing pile, the conversion into a craft room and learning to be an expert on the sewing machine.

PS The girls added a poem to our anniversary card. I thought I?d share it:

First comes love, then comes marriage.
Then come 3 babies in a baby carriage!


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