Saturday, August 11, 2012

Coffee Drinking - Is it Good for Your Health or Bad? | FoodsA-Z ...

There are of course many people who swear not to touch coffee because of the negative health effects they believe it can have on them. There are actually a few benefits to the moderate consumption of coffee like the reduction of risk of some illnesses and diseases. Most people drink coffee just to gain a bit of energy in order to make their day last longer. Although this research shows some great health benefits there are still some negative affects that coffee can cause if you drink too much. We will discuss here only a few of the most widely known effects that excessive coffee can have on your system.

Women who drink too much coffee are said to have a higher degree of infertility and birth problems. Stillbirths have a higher chance of happening in women who consumed a fair amount of coffee throughout their gestation. 2 or more cups per day significantly increases your chances of spontaneous abortion during the first trimester stages of pregnancy. Too much coffee during pregnancy can also cause low birth weight. Changing to a decaff coffee may not do any good because of the chemicals used to remove the caffeine.

Drinking coffee has also been directly linked to a reduction in the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that patients who drink a couple of cups of coffee each day could actually be reducing their risk of developing diabetes by up to 50% compared to people who don't drink it at all. The common rule of thought is that the caffeine in coffee causes a decrease in insulin sensitivity.

The downside is that this can lead to a condition called hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar in some people. Hypoglycemic symptoms are not at all pleasant and may include clammy skin, weakness, heart palpitations, and sweating. Avoid drinking coffee completely if you have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia.

It has been shown that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee have a little laxative effect that can prevent constipation. As a result of the laxative effect, it is speculated that coffee drinking can aid in reducing the risk of developing colon cancer. However, people that drink a lot coffee also have loose bowel movements. If this is the truth, then drinking coffee in moderation will change this.

In conclusion, it seems there may be some beneficial health effects of drinking a moderate amount of coffee. However, heavy coffee drinkers should be aware that there are also some negative health effects that could arise from drinking too much caffeine. Moderation is the most important thing when it comes to achieving a healthy balance.


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