Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Most Effective Ways to Learn a Language | Reference and Education

d? ??? w?nt t? become fluent ?n ? foreign language? ?r? ??? looking f?r th? m??t effective ways t? learn ? language? If s?, keep reading, b?????? ??? ?r? ?n th? right place. ?n this article I'm going t? help ??? achieve ???r goal! Here ?r? th? m??t effective ways t? learn ? language.

1. Relocate

Move t? ? place ?n which ???r target language ?? spoken. f?r example, if ??? w?nt t? learn Japanese, move t? Japan (f?r ?t least ? few months). There ?r? many ways t? d? ?t: ??? ??n become ? volunteer (especially if ??? ?r? learning ? language ?f ? developing country, f?r example Hindi ?r Spanish), become an exchange student ?r simply look f?r ? job there (f?r example teaching English). If ??? ?r? working online, then nothing holds ??? back!

2. Learn with ? language partner

Sign up ?n Polyglot Learn Language ?r Italki, look f?r someone wh? speaks ???r target language (preferably ? native speaker) ?nd wants t? learn ???r native language ?nd practice with him. Learning with ? language partner ?? ? part ?f...

3. Total immersion ?t home

Learn th? basics ?f ? language ?nd immerse yourself ?n ?t (?nd still work ?n ???r language skills): watch movies, listen t? th? radio, music, podcasts, travel, chat with native speakers, participate ?n online communities, read blogs, articles, books ?nd s? ?n.

th?t's ?t - th? m??t effective ways t? learn ? language. Don't forget th?t ??? ??n't learn ? language overnight, b?t if ??? follow these tips, ??? ??n learn ? new language even ?n ? few months ?r ? year. ?t's all about th? right approach ?nd th? right methods. Good luck ?nd h??? fun while learning!

Author: John Doey

Short URL: http://goo.gl/x0YXm

Source: http://education-references.appspot.com/most-effective-ways-to-learn-language/

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