Sunday, March 4, 2012

Creating competitive advantage and sales success in your creative ...

Creating Competitive Advantage in your Creative Business.

White Hot Center Presents
The Quantum Leap
Business Development Workshop

Creating Competitive
Advantage in your Creative Business
June 15, 2012
Ojai, California

Facilitated by Thomson Dawson
Business Development Consultant to Creative Entrepreneuers

Without sales there is no business.

If you?re a self-employed creative professional, whether flying solo or leading your small creative firm, you know the importance of having a steady stream of clients and projects coming your way. The truth is many creative professionals struggle finding a steady stream of higher value clients. Many more resist the sales process altogether opting to rely on referrals for the growth of their business.

Referrals are critically important, but they?re unpredictable? not enough to grow your business with sustainable, profitable results. To succeed in the hyper-competitive creative business today, you must embrace business development and sales as the essential skill for business success. And you need a plan to guide your actions, if you are to turn greater possibilities into achievement.

Clients have abundant choice. There is no shortage of creative talent in the marketplace.

Let?s face it, when clients have abundant choice, competition is always fierce. How do you, a creative entrepreneur, gain radical advantage over would-be competitors in an ultra-competitive marketplace?

How do you find the right clients who are a perfect fit for you? How do you differentiate your business from alternatives to your firm in ways that matter to your clients? How do you command premium prices and greater profit margins when everyone else is discounting their fees just to get the gig?

How do you create more opportunity than you have capacity so you can be choosy about who you work with, and what you type of projects you?ll work on?

If you?re serious about the growth and success of your creative business you will not want to miss this opportunity to build a business development foundation and plan for growing your creative business to the next level!

Take a quantum leap in your business development success. Spend one important day working on your creative business rather than in it. Spend one day building a solid framework and foundation for your business development and sales success. Spend one day innovating your bigger, better future.

Who should attend?

We?ve developed this foundational business development workshop for all early-stage self-employed creative professionals including: designers in all discipines, web /apps developers, content creators, writers, social media professionals, illustrators, animators, photographers, producers and composers?just about anyone in the business of creative output for hire.

What you?ll learn:

Participants will explore fundamental strategies and proven tactics that will enable them to enhance and elevate the effectiveness of their marketing and sales skills by a quantum leap. Here?s what we?ll cover during the workshop day:

? develop and refine your vision for your business growth that enables you to express your passion and enhance your value to clients who are the right fit.

? how to develop a value proposition and positioning your busiess to set you apart from competitors and positions you as the expert in the minds of higher value clients who gladly pay a premium to work with you and your team.

? understanding the complete sales process and how to effectively generate early-stage leads and nurture clients-to-be though the entire sales process to closing the deal.

? how to be a value creator rather than an order taker in the sales conversation, leading your clients in the sales process and retaining your power in the buying process.

? how to write proposals that win more business.

? explore your ?genius zone? the set of activities that enable you to experience the most joy and satisfaction, greater energy and productivity working with your team serving higher value clients.

? how to increase your referrals and turn your clients into a non-paid sales force.

The Investment:
$600.00 USD per person
Special discount of $100 off for early registration prior to April 30, 2012
Addirtional discount of $50 off for each additional person in your firm prior to April 30, 2012.

Tuition must be paid 30 days in advance of the Workshop. No refunds or credits within 14 days of the workshop.

Tuition includes Workshop Materials, Continental Breakfast, Luncheon and Snacks served throughout the day at the venue.

This workshop is limited to 24 participants.

Send an email and we?ll get right back to you with full information on the venue location, accomodations, and how to confirm your spot in early registration prior to April 30, 2012. This workshop has limited capacity and will fill up quickly.


lego man lego man cheryl hines john lackey john lackey ed lee ed lee

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