General Budgie Talk Chat about general budgie stuff here. |
I'm placing this thread in this category because this has to do wit the Normal Light Green Budgies that are native to Australia. Before that, I'd like to state that it's illegal in my country to have wild animals and birds as pets that are native to the country - mainly because we believe that wild animals are meant to survive in the wild. domesticating will cause extinction. Does USA, UK and Australia have similar laws regarding caging of wild birds and animals? For example, Indian ringnecks, the Green wild type is native to our country. If the Forest force finds them in possession of any human, even in the market, they will be fined and jailed. However its mutations are permissible to be kept as pets, as mutations that occur naturally die out because they're cast out from the flock and fall prey to predators faster. Which brings me to the question, is it all right in Australia to house Normal Light Green budgies in human aviaries? It would not have been permitted in my country for the reasons stated above. don;t necessarily agree 100% with our laws because I believe birds that have been bred and raised by humans would face difficulty adapting to the wild if set free after they've become heavily dependant on humans. I'd like some thoughts on this matter. |
Uk you can keep native species but they must be close rung with the correct ring for the species. You must keep paperwork on their heritage and if you see them you have to give the new owners a copy of this to price they are captive bred. Any endangered species on the cites articles must also have the relevant paperwork and be close rung. It is illegal to take birds. Chicks. And eggs from the wild. If you have to rear a bird you have found it must be returned to the wild if that isn't possible due to disability etc you have to get a license for it. I have no problem with native birds being kept providing they are captive bred. Most of ours do not make good pets though they are kept in aviaries. If we ban the keeping of native species we have no captive population to fall back on should they become endangered. |
Unless you are a Native American, which my boyfriend loves to rub in my face constantly (he is Navajo), because they have rituals where they need them or something. Anyways, in the US most of the laws are to protect raptors, since many like the Peregrine are endangered. I personally wouldn't really want to keep any of the native birds in my area - they are all finches and sparrows and the like and they probably would not adapt well to captivity. Give me my personable parrots any day! On a side note, the only native parrot to the US would be the Carolina Parakeet, which is sadly extinct. |
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