Friday, May 24, 2013

Microsoft And Google Bury The Hatchet To Work On A Windows Phone YouTube App With Ads

youtube-wpOnce a upon a time, Microsoft saw fit to put together a YouTube app for Windows Phone and it was actually pretty great -- it let users download videos straight from the app and there was nary an ad to be found. To absolutely no one's surprise, Google wasn't too pleased: after all, the features that made the app so appealing didn't exactly jibe with YouTube's terms of service, and the search giant demanded the offending app be removed. Well, after a bit of back and forth (and a conciliatory update), it seems the two companies have finally come to an agreement. Microsoft and YouTube released a statement today affirming that the two companies will work together on crafting yet another YouTube app for Windows Phone that doesn't fly in the face of Google's and YouTube's rules.


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