Saturday, May 11, 2013

Haiku to Mom - AARP

Home & Family | Relationships | Your Life Print

mothers day istock photoFor Mother?s Day this year,?haiku poetry seemed an appropriate medium?to express feelings about our moms: short and sweet; direct, descriptive, creative; gets the point?across without embellishment-kind of like our moms, right?! ?

Here is my haiku for Patricia, my Mom, who surprises and amazes and teaches me every day.

Fragile and yet strong

Her heart grows for her children

Mom is love?warrior?

- @amygoyer

I tweeted out my haiku and put out a call for haiku about mothers via my?Twitter?and AARP?s Twitter (using #haikumom) and my Facebook and AARP?s Facebook, and was overwhelmed with the quality (and quantity) of the haiku I received! Here is just a sampling of them.

These writers illustrate the full life cycle of motherhood ? some with humor, some with emotion; all with descriptive details that gave me a sense of their mothers.

I am newly born

She holds me against her soul

We are both content

- Carole Dee Stark

Her arms are open

As I rush towards her smile

How I love my Mom

- Kim Fitzwater- Van Nimwegen

Iced tea always there

Pink rose yellow daffodil

Mother?s joys in life

- Nancy Payne Chowning

?In real life,? Mom said,

?People don?t eat corn in bed,?

Passing us an ear.

- Cindy Wood Bowen

Boundless energy

Eighty one by grace of God

Pink lipstick always

- Peggy Bryant

Spit on a hanky

And words of encouragement

To clean up my life.

- @BradForenza

The one who loves you

Though you do not deserve it

And the love lives on

- Willy King

Cat lady momma

First six sons then twenty cats

Keeps giving her love

-Cindy Wood Bowen?

My beautiful mom

With a loving and pure heart

Lord, make me like her!

- Ramona McClary

Learning to adjust

My Mom remains the same

Just in a different way

- Therese Fieler Lackey

Ninety four years old

Strong and amazingly sweet

One to emulate

- Tommie Ruiz

My ma is long dead

This sounds bad but it is true

I still miss her borscht

- @geneweingarten?

Whether their grief is fresh or long-standing, many writers honored their mothers who have passed.

Missing my mama

First Mother?s Day without her

Her spirit lives on

- Christie Groves Hunt

Sparkling eyes warm smile

Courageous living and love

To the end. Cancer.

- @transitionswork

Love lives in our hearts

Mother to all, love to spare

Hot August sorrow

- Linda Reardon

She was a puzzle

Unfathomable at times

Miss her still today

- Kim Angle?Warner?

She is now long gone

Only, seems like yesterday

We talked about life

????????? ? Fran Phelan-Logue

This writer has a final message for us all:

I am fifty four

My Mom will be ninety five

Each day is a gift.

- @IZ_Eastshore

Thank you all for submitting your haiku! They were all wonderful and it was a huge challenge to pick which poems to include?you are all so talented I loved each and every one!

If your haiku isn?t included here, please post it in the comments section below or on Twitter: @amygoyer or @AARP, or on my Facebook page or AARP?s Facebook page?and tell us how you celebrate Mother?s Day! Here is one more haiku to get your started:

Daughters gather now

Savory moments with Mom

Off to the buffet!

????????? ? @amygoyer

Amy Goyer is AARP?s Home & Family Expert; she splits her time between Washington, DC and Phoenix, AZ where she is caregiving for both of her parents who live with her?follow Amy on Twitter @amygoyer and on Facebook.

Image by iStock photo.

Also of Interest

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