Saturday, April 27, 2013

Apple reassures developers who didn't get WWDC tickets that videos, Tech Talks will be coming soon

Apple reassures developers who didn't get WWDC tickets that videos, Tech Talks will be coming soon

With Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference -- WWDC 2013 -- selling out in under 2 minutes, Apple has published a shot news blurb on their News and Announcements for Developers hoping to assuage the disappointment of those who couldn't score a ticket by reiterating that videos will be coming quickly this year, and that Tech Talks will once again be following in the fall.

Thank you for your unprecedented interest in WWDC.

Enthusiasm for WWDC 2013 has been incredible, with tickets selling out in record time. For those who can?t join us in San Francisco, you can still take advantage of great WWDC content, as we?ll be posting videos of all our sessions during the conference. We?ll also be hitting the road this fall with Tech Talks in a city near you. Hope to see you there.

Tech Talk tickets have traditionally gone to developers who didn't attend WWDC, so no big surprise there. Videos have likewise been coming more quickly in recent years than previous years, though this year certainly looks to be even quicker still.

If you missed out on a WWDC ticket, does any of this make you feel any better? Would even live streams of the sessions and a major increase in the amount of evangelists and Tech Talks make any difference?

Source: News and Announcements for Developers



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