Sunday, January 1, 2012

Why does the pope say a couple living together is ?not excluded from the love of the Church or from the love of Christ??

From a reader:

Why does the pope say a couple living together ?married? without an
annulment of a previous marriage is ?not excluded from the love of
the Church or from the love of Christ?? Christ said they were
committing adultery. Mortal sin excludes one from the sacraments
because without repentance the soul is dead to the love of God.

Think about what you asked.

Even though we sin, God loves us and desires us to return to the state of grace. God gives us graces also when we are separated from Him in mortal sin so that we may the easier return to His friendship.

Such a couple may be excluded from receiving the sacraments until they get things straightened out. That doesn?t mean they can?t be members of the Church or that God has stopped loving them.

Holy Church continues to hold the door open for sinners, for the Church never desires the permanent exclusion of any person from a fuller participation in the Church?s journey towards God in heaven. Holy Church asks, however, that they be honest and not receive the sacraments if they are impeded for some reason (read = mortal sin, risk of public scandal, etc.).

When YOU commit a mortal sin, do you think God stops loving you? Do you think the Church slams the door of reconciliation in your face?

I think you need to review a bit.

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:?)


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