Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bryant Signs Small Business Bill ? Vicksburg Daily News

JACKSON?Gov. Phil Bryant today signed into law legislation that aims to remove unnecessary barriers to business growth by giving small businesses a voice in state rule-making processes.

Bryant outlined the need for the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act (Senate Bill 2398) in his inaugural State of the State address and says the measure is needed to ensure that government does not over-regulate job creators.

?As governor and as a true conservative, I am committed to creating an environment where small businesses can flourish, creating the jobs, goods and services that Mississippi needs to grow,? Gov. Bryant said.

?Small businesses are critical to the state?s economy. Many Mississippians work for a small company, and this legislation will help ensure that no business shies away from expanding or locating in our state because of burdensome mandates.?

The Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act creates a framework that allows for the review of current regulations and any proposed rules and or regulations that would adversely impact small businesses.

Ron Aldridge, the Executive Director of the Mississippi chapter of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, says the legislation will ensure that small business have a voice in crafting effective, appropriate regulations.

?This is a big deal for small business,? Aldridge said. ?It?s been too easy for state agencies to impose new rules and regulations without regard to how they would affect small family businesses. The Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act is going to change that by having small-business owners review new regulations and work cooperatively with state agencies for changes that would make the rules more flexible and less costly for small businesses.?

According the National Federation of Independent Businesses, 97 percent of Mississippi employers are considered small businesses, and more than half of all non-government workers in the state are employed by a small business.

The Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act organizes a volunteer committee of former and current small business owners and officers who will review proposed and existing regulations in Mississippi to determine if those regulations are harmful to small businesses. Committee members will work closely with state agencies to either modify or ease regulations that are determined to place unfair burdens on small businesses. State agencies will also report on how proposed regulations will impact small businesses.

The governor, lieutenant governor and speaker of the house will each make four appointments to the twelve-member committee. The governor will appoint the committee chair. Appointees must be current or former small business owners or operators and may be nominated for appointment by a local chamber of commerce, small business industry organization or a small business owner or officer. Members will serve two-year terms with a limit of three successive terms.? The Mississippi Development Authority will act as a coordinator for the committee.

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Gavin Kim's on the move again, joins NQ Mobile after leaving Windows Phone

Gavin Kim's on the move again, joins NQ Mobile after leaving Windows PhoneThat was quick. A mere five days after saying goodbye to his cohorts at Microsoft, former Windows Phone GM Gavin Kim has landed at Mobile NQ as its Chief Product Officer. By joining the mobile privacy and security firm, Kim will be working with a couple of former Samsung colleagues at Mobile NQ -- co-CEO Omar Khan and PR maven Kim Titus. The real question is, with this being Gavin's third career stop in a year, how long will the reunion last?

Continue reading Gavin Kim's on the move again, joins NQ Mobile after leaving Windows Phone

Gavin Kim's on the move again, joins NQ Mobile after leaving Windows Phone originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 18:28:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Leading NC Democrat, already accused of sexual harassment, now faces ex-girlfriend?s HIV accusation

Rebecca Burgin,?a long-time girlfriend of?former North Carolina Democratic Party executive director?Jay Parmley, told The Daily Caller that she believes Parmley infected her with HIV.?Parmley resigned on April 15 amid sexual harassment allegations from a former young male staffer.

Burgin, a 29-year-old Oklahoman, has shared her story with TheDC, including the revelation that Parmley?s lawyer offered her health coverage, paid for by the Democratic National Committee, to manage her illness. She ultimately declined that offer, fearing it would constitute insurance fraud. Parmley, she said, later abandoned her.

On April 13,?TheDC first exposed?allegations, leveled in December by former North Carolina Democratic Party communications staffer Adriadn Ortega, that Parmley showed him a picture of a penis, gave him unwanted shoulder rubs and made apparent sexual advances toward him. Ortega also alleged that Parmley discussed with him in detail his past sexual activity, including ?solicit[ing] sex from gay websites.?

Parmley?s ex-girlfriend Rebecca Burgin told TheDC that Parmley forever changed her life by making her HIV-positive. She?s worried, she said, that Parmley may have done to someone else what he did to her.

?My motivation for talking to you was that I have read the articles, I have read the letter [that Ortega sent to Parmley detailing sexual harassment allegations] and everything like that,? Burgin said.

?And after Jay and I broke up, the biggest concern that I had was, ?what if this happened to somebody else? Would he do this to someone else?? ? My biggest concern is for anybody else that has had a relationship with him that he did not tell.?

Burgin told TheDC that she believes Parmley ?prey[s] on? younger adults like her and Ortega.

?When Jay and I met, I was 20 and he was 32,? she said. ?To me, it seems to be a pattern, potentially. ? The unnerving thing to me is that it looks like he uses his position of authority to prey on younger adults.?

Burgin said she doesn?t know when or how Parmley contracted HIV. The World Health Organization reports that while patients often have flu-like symptoms a few months after they are first infected,?HIV ?may remain dormant and asymptomatic for years until it surfaces suddenly.?

Parmley served as national president of the Young Democrats of America from 1999 to 2001, then becoming executive director and chairman of the Oklahoma Democratic Party until 2005. It was during this period that he and Burgin dated.

In 2005, he left Oklahoma to become a?Mississippi state?liaison to the?Democratic National Committee under chairman Howard Dean, during the former Vermont governor?s 50-state strategy campaign. He took a similar role in South Carolina in 2007, and became?executive director of the South Carolina Democratic Party in 2009. In May 2011, the North Carolina Democratic Party hired him as its executive director.

While Parmley led the Oklahoma Democratic Party, he also taught politics courses at Oklahoma City Community College. ?He taught like one or two classes per semester,? Burgin said.

?I met him ? I was a student in college and he was my American Government professor,? she told TheDC in a phone interview. ?Upon completing that class, we started dating. We dated for a little over three years.?

?January 2, 2004, was our first date,? she recalled.

But in July 2005, Howard Dean recruited Parmley and he was on his way to Mississippi.

?I?m not exactly sure the extent of their communications,? Burgin said, ?but [Democratic former Mississippi] Gov. David Walters was very close to Howard Dean and that was how Jay kind of got put on Howard?s radar.?

Around October 2006, after more than 14 months of a long-distance relationship, Parmley became ?debilitating[ly] sick? in Mississippi, she said.

Former Mississippi Democratic Party chairman Rickey Cole told TheDC that he and his wife took Parmley to the hospital ?because he had lost a great deal of weight and couldn?t keep anything in his stomach.?

And then came Thanksgiving, when Burgin said she was hit with the news that would change her life forever.

?He had called my parents and asked them that they call me and have me come over,? Burgin said.??and that I needed to call him. And so I called him, and it was at that point that he told me the doctors had tested him for HIV. And that he was HIV positive. And that I needed to be tested.?

Burgin said Parmley said that he had told Cole, a fellow Democratic operative, about his HIV status before her.

Cole refused to talk about the timing, or to acknowledge that he knew Parmley had contracted HIV.

?I don?t know what his timing was in telling who what, but I?m not going to talk about his health,? Cole said, although he had already relayed the story about taking Parmley to the hospital.

After Burgin found out Parmley was HIV-positive, she was tested. And the news confirmed her worst fears. ?Unfortunately,? she told TheDC, ?because it was a holiday weekend, they rushed the lab work but they couldn?t get it turned around in 24 hours. And so when my doctor called me ? he told me I was HIV-positive.?

Burgin voluntarily provided TheDC with medical records showing the date and result of her HIV test. But she never learned where Parmley?contracted the virus in the first place, and from whom.

?He wouldn?t talk about it,? she said. ?He wouldn?t really discuss it. He wouldn?t. I was concerned about someone that I love, and I would try to ask leading questions to see if I could get him to open up. But he never would.?

Today, she?s thankful that her HIV infection is manageable and frustrated that her life will never be the same again.

?There are still times where it?s tough. I will be honest: I haven?t been in a relationship since Jay, mainly because I don?t want to get hurt again. Also, I have to ? by law, because I?ve been diagnosed with HIV ? if you are HIV-positive, you have to disclose to any sexual partners your status before you have sex with them, or you can have charges brought against you.?

?How exactly do I have this conversation with somebody? It?s not something where you go, ?Oh, and by the way, I?m HIV-positive.??

In Oklahoma, and in every state where Parmley has lived since he and Burgin were a couple, the law requires exactly that.

Oklahoma Statute Title 21 Section 1192.1?makes it a felony, punishable by five years in prison, to ?knowingly engaging in conduct reasonably likely to transfer HIV virus? without a sexual partner?s prior consent. In Mississippi,?Section 97-27-14 of the state criminal code allows a ten-year prison term for ?knowingly expos[ing] another person to a human immunodeficiency virus? without??prior knowledge and willing consent.?

In South Carolina,?Section 44-29-145 of the Code of Laws makes it a crime ?for a person who knows that he is infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) to?knowingly engage in sexual intercourse ? with another person without first informing that person of his HIV infection.

North Carolina approaches the spread of disease somewhat differently for citizens who are HIV-positive.

?They need to disclose [it] to sexual partners, and they should use a condom,? Jacquelyn Clymore, the HIV/STD director for the North Carolina Department of Health, told TheDC.

Clymore added that North Carolinians who have tested positive for HIV are also required to notify past sexual partners of their status.

?There?s basically two ways that someone who tested positive can basically handle that situation,? she said. ?They can notify their partners themselves that they?ve been exposed to HIV, and that he or she has just tested positive.? The person can also elect to provide the health department?s ?Disease Intervention Specialists? (DIS)?with ?those names, and the contact information of someone who might be at risk ? and our DIS will reach out to them.?

Failure to comply is ?considered a misdemeanor in North Carolina ? punishable by a fine and up to two years imprisonment,??Clymore said.

But as Burgin found out, being notified about exposure to HIV can be just the beginning of a long, painful process. Parmley wouldn?t give her answers, and?he wanted out of the relationship.

?I got angry,? she said.

?I finally said, ?you know what, I?ve tried, I?ve tried, I?ve tried, I?ve tried. I have not assumed, I have not accused, I have not said anything,?? Burgin recalled.??The only thing I have tried to do is say, ?you know, we can do this together and it?s going to be okay, [but]?you are leaving me high and dry to deal with this. And I don?t know how to deal with it. And I?m not going to deal with it well on my own.??

?I got angry and I called an attorney and asked, ?what can I do, if anything???

?So, I sat down and wrote a letter,? Burgin explained. ?I laid it all out and then said I want a life insurance policy, and that I want health insurance coverage, basically, for the rest of my life.?

?I was not looking for money, I was not looking for some big payoff to keep my mouth shut,? Burgin added. ?That wasn?t my concern. My concern was that my life has gotten completely blown to pieces, and I so needed to kind of figure out how I can move forward and figure this out.?

Her attorney sent that letter to Parmley and ?took it to a meeting with his [Parmley?s] attorney, Jim Frasier.?

Frasier, then Parmley?s personal attorney, is currently one of 100 delegates to the Democratic National Committee.

?Frasier,? Burgin continued, ?came back and said, ?what we will provide for her is that she can remain on the DNC?s health insurance and the DNC would pay for it? for ? I think that they said ? as long as Jay?s employed there.?

Burgin said that the DNC was already providing her with health insurance while she was dating Parmley. The party?s policy at the time, she said, was that ?their employees can have one other person on their health insurance.?

Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse did not respond to TheDC?s requests for comment about whether the party?s health insurance plan allows employees to extend their own coverage to include boyfriends and girlfriends.

Burgin said she considered Parmley?s and Frasier?s offer, but ?by that point, I was kind of like ? and excuse my language ? ?Screw off!?? she said.

?I then thought ? ?well, isn?t that insurance fraud??? she recalled.

?I was not with him anymore, and if insurance companies found out, couldn?t they just immediately drop me? What if Blue Cross and Blue Shield comes in and does an audit and sees I am no longer with him, and don?t live in the same household as him? Then they?d go, ?well, this doesn?t work,? and I?d lose my health insurance.?

Burgin said turned down the offer. ?I ended up opting for the COBRA ? paying the premiums myself.?

COBRA Continuation Coverage Assistance permits health plan members to continue their coverage, at their own expense, for up to 18 months after their insurance would otherwise be discontinued.

North Carolina Democratic Party chairman David Parker continues to defend his former executive director in the face of sexual harassment allegations. During a press conference last week, Parker claims he fully vetted Parmley before hiring him in 2011.

?In four different states where he has been on staff, no one ? and I mean no one ? and I don?t know who in this room has tried to track down people in other states, but if you heard something bad about Jay Parmley, frankly I would be shocked because I vetted him as thoroughly as I could,? Parker told reporters.

?Never any allegations before. No allegations from anyone else on the staff. He gets along well with men and women, young and old, gay and straight, black and white, conservative and liberal. He?s a friendly guy. That?s who the man is.?

Parmley did not respond to multiple voicemails and emails seeking comment.

Burgin told TheDC that meanwhile her life, and her fight with HIV, goes on.

?I am still in Oklahoma City. I never left Oklahoma,? she said. ?All of this very much changed the outlook on my ? it changed a lot of who I was and what I believed in.?

?I was the first one to believe, for all intents and purposes, that everyone was a good person, but that circumstances happened that turned them into bad people.?

?After all of this, I question that,? Burgin told TheDC. ?I feel like a part of me has died because that was kind of my thing ? that ?everybody was a good person, it?s just circumstances that happen.??

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Boeing 787 Dreamliner completes first Trans-Pacific passenger flight, lands in Boston as JAL 8

Boeing 787 Dreamliner completes first Trans-Pacific passenger flight, lands in Boston as JAL 8

We've been fortunate enough to hitch a ride on Boeing's 787 within the Land of the Rising Sun, but now the Dreamliner has hopped the Pacific with passengers on board, departing Tokyo Narita and landing at Boston's Logan International Airport around noon on Sunday. The JAL service marks New England's first Asia route, enabled by the 787's efficient design which lets airlines fly to lower-demand cities without wasting fuel on empty seats. The 787 will be making the 6,869-mile journey four times a week through May 31st, at which point daily service will begin, with flight 7 departing Boston at 1:20PM and arriving in Tokyo at 4 the following afternoon. Passengers on flight 8 will leave Tokyo at 11:30AM and land in Boston at 11:20AM on the same day. This is likely to be your best opportunity to ride a US-bound Dreamliner until United begins service later this year, so hit up the source link to get your fix, priced upwards of $1,500 for dates throughout the summer.

Boeing 787 Dreamliner completes first Trans-Pacific passenger flight, lands in Boston as JAL 8 originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 23:28:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

New BeoPlay V1 shows up ahead of time, hearts and wallets flutter

New BeoPlay V1 shows up ahead of time, hearts and wallets flutter

We're more used to phones getting leaked ahead of time, but it's not always just the latest and greatest handset that sneaks its way into our inbox. Danish website Recordere has managed to get a cheeky glimpse of the new BeoPlay V1 TV from Bang and Olufsen. Pegged as the new "affordable" model from the Scandinavian manufacturer, it'll come in two flavors: the BeoPlay V1-32 and V1-40 (the numbers representing screen size,) which include DLNA functionality, five HDMI ports, one USB, and integrated 5.1 surround sound, as well as a few other treats. The official launch is the 5th of May, with pricing set at €2,399 and €2,899 (about $3,170 and $3,831 respectively) depending how big the space in your front room is.

New BeoPlay V1 shows up ahead of time, hearts and wallets flutter originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 22 Apr 2012 05:13:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Permalink   |  sourceRecordere (Danish)  | Email this | Comments

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Samsung countdown teases next Galaxy phone with anagram

Samsung Galaxy countdown teases you with anagrams

Sammy's latest marketing ploy kicked off with a string of nonsense that could just as easily have come from the Sunday morning jumble: "Destination: tgeltaayehxnx," declared the Samsung Mobile Twitter account. Anagram wizards will read that as, "the next Galaxy," and wouldn't you know it, it's also the URL for an auspicious countdown clock. Sammy promises to let visitors take "the next step" in about 17 hours and counting. Bonafide internet sleuths can find an extra carrot strung up in the site's source, reading, "discover how Samsung is about to challenge the way you view the Galaxy once more." Is Samsung about to break its own May 3rd unveiling? We'll let you know in 16 hours and change.

Update: It seems like that ticker just might be counting down to some sort of anagram guessing game, according to an Engadget tipster who partook in some directory diving. Among a series of assets of different colored lettered tiles he found images with instructions warnings, reading "Click on the letters in the correct order to reveal your real destination," and "Following technology blindly often gets you nowhere." Ominous.

[Thanks, Naor]

Samsung countdown teases next Galaxy phone with anagram originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 22 Apr 2012 14:26:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Permalink Sammy Hub  |  sourceSamsung Mobile (Twitter), tgeltaayehxnx (1), (2)  | Email this | Comments

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EU supports Novartis MS pill with stronger warning

LONDON (Reuters) - European regulators have endorsed the continued use of Novartis AG's multiple sclerosis pill Gilenya, one of the Swiss firm's top new drug hopes, but said on Friday the drug needed to carry stronger warnings on heart risks.

Novartis said the decision meant the drug remained on-track to be a "blockbuster" - one with annual sales above $1 billion.

Prospects for Gilenya, the first multiple sclerosis (MS) pill of its kind, have been clouded by reports of its association with serious heart problems.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), which had initially aimed to give an update on Gilenya last month, said doctors should not prescribe it to patients with a history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease or those on heart-rate lowering medication.

If treatment with Gilenya was considered necessary in these patients, however, their heart activity should be monitored at least overnight following the first dose of the drug, it said.

All patients getting the drug should have an electrocardiogram (ECG) and a blood pressure measurement prior to the first dose and after a six-hour initial period, during which continuous ECG monitoring is recommended.

A committee of EMA experts said the possible risk of heart problems could be limited by these stronger warnings.

"With these risk-minimization measures in place, the committee concludes that the benefits of Gilenya continue to outweigh the risks," the agency said in a statement.

David Epstein, head of Novartis Pharmaceuticals, said he welcomed EMA's confirmation of Gilenya's positive benefit-risk profile "which also supports our continued belief of the blockbuster potential of Gilenya".


Analysts said there would be relief that the drug had not been pulled off the market but safety concerns would linger.

Martin Voegtli at Kepler Capital Markets said the strengthened warnings against prescribing in patients with cardiovascular risk factors would restrict the patient population and hit sales forecasts.

But Tim Race of Deutsche Bank viewed the EMA verdict more positively, since it ruled out the worse-case scenarios of either product removal or overnight monitoring for all patients.

Shares in Novartis were 0.6 percent higher at 1000 GMT, broadly in line with the European drugs sector.

Gilenya is still seen by analysts as a big seller, with annual sales of $1.7 billion by 2015, according to consensus forecasts collected by Thomson Reuters Pharma. But that is down on the $2.2 billion forecast in late 2011, due to safety fears.

In recent months, doctors have grown more cautious about the drug following reports of heart problems in some patients and the death of one person in the United States within 24 hours of starting treatment.

Those cases prompted the EMA to start its review in January, when it first advised doctors to continuously monitor patients for six hours after giving them a first dose. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is also looking into the drug.

Gilenya represents a significant change in MS treatment, since existing medicines like beta interferons and Elan and Biogen Idec's Tysabri must be injected.

Rival oral MS treatments in development include BG-12 from Biogen, teriflunomide from Sanofi and laquinimod from Teva.

(Reporting by Ben Hirschler; Editing by Kate Kelland and Helen Massy-Beresford)

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

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[ [ [['A picture is worth a thousand words', 5]], '', '[Related: Why Facebook bought Instagram: 4 theories]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 9]], '', '[Did you witness the jet crash? Share your story with Yahoo! News]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Dick Clark', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'Reuters', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['Titanic', 7]], '', ' ', '', '550', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Pediatric Dentistry for Children in San Diego, CA

Pediatric dentistry is a branch of dental medicine which focuses on preventive and corrective dental care for children. In order to inhibit the growing problems that result from neglected oral health, parents must exercise responsible parenthood by making a commitment to good oral health beginning with a visit to their San Diego dental clinic.

The dental setup of children is very different from that of adults, so their requirements also greatly differ. Consequently, kids and teens require dental care suited to their developmental stage. We are all familiar with the level of anxiety patients experience upon visiting the dentist. Parents should ideally seek a pediatric dentist who knows how to make young patients comfortable and eliminate their fears and misconceptions about any dental treatment.

Children two years and up should see a pediatric dentist for regular oral check-ups.

This is the age when children begin to understand the human body, particularly the importance of taking care of their oral health. Experienced pediatric dentists can properly educate children of any age on the importance of good oral hygiene. Moreover, any problems with temporary teeth including tooth decay and malformation can immediately be identified and resolved before causing more trouble.

Temporary or baby teeth are more prone to cavities or dental caries. Sugar, the common cause of cavities, is found in a lot of processed products kids eat like candies and junk food. Sugar is also an essential ingredient of plaque, a by-product of oral bacteria which causes tooth decay.

Any reliable dental clinic San Diego has which offers pediatric dentistry can get children started on the path to optimum oral health and prevent dental diseases like cavities from worsening.

They also educate parents on choosing the correct toothbrush and tooth paste, dental aids, and proper brushing techniques.

The dental clinic San Diego has will also tell you that Pediatric Dentistry is important for your child?s language development, jaw formation and coordination of the mimic musculature for dental esthetics. These things will greatly contribute to your child?s overall wellbeing and self-esteem. Parents must ensure their children achieve a good start by caring for their oral health so they grow up without any worries. This also helps prevents more tedious dental treatments when they become teens or adults.

A pediatric dentist attends to infants, young children, and adolescents. The dental clinic San Diego has is a venue for children to grow accustomed to the dentist and learn to value the importance of proper oral care. If you would like to read up some more on dental care for children, visit: and

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Romney has $10M in bank for general election

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has $10 million in the bank as he shifts toward a general election matchup against President Barack Obama.

Romney's campaign released its March fundraising totals Friday. The numbers show that the presumptive GOP presidential nominee raised far more money than his GOP rivals, but Obama enjoys a huge cash advantage.

Romney says he raised $12.6 million last month, and ended the month with $10.1 million in his campaign account.

Working with the Democratic National Committee, Obama raised $52 million in March and reported $85 million on hand.

Romney's campaign has expressed confidence that it can help make up the gap. He recently began coordinating with the Republican National Committee to raise money.

Associated Press

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"American Idol" Taylor Hicks to launch Vegas show

FILE - In this March 3, 2009, file photo, musician Taylor Hicks is interviewed in New York. Hicks, ?American Idol? Season 5 winner, is getting his own short-term show on the Las Vegas Strip. Casino officials announced the Alabama native will headline an eight-week show at Bally?s Las Vegas beginning June 26. He?s the first ?American Idol? winner or finalist to secure a Las Vegas residency. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

FILE - In this March 3, 2009, file photo, musician Taylor Hicks is interviewed in New York. Hicks, ?American Idol? Season 5 winner, is getting his own short-term show on the Las Vegas Strip. Casino officials announced the Alabama native will headline an eight-week show at Bally?s Las Vegas beginning June 26. He?s the first ?American Idol? winner or finalist to secure a Las Vegas residency. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

(AP) ? "American Idol" Season 5 winner Taylor Hicks is getting his own short-term show on the Las Vegas Strip.

Casino officials announced the Alabama native will headline an eight-week show at Bally's Las Vegas beginning June 26.

The singer's show in Las Vegas is a return to where his winning run began in 2005. Hicks had been in New Orleans the night before Hurricane Katrina struck and was given a free airplane voucher when his flight was cancelled.

He used the voucher to fly to Las Vegas, where he auditioned for "American Idol" and ultimately won over viewers with his renditions of southern soul, R&B, country and blues songs.

He's the first "American Idol" winner or finalist to secure a Las Vegas residency.

Associated Press

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Disney studio chief quits after 'John Carter' bomb

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Disney movie studio boss Rich Ross stepped down on Friday, taking the fall for at least a couple of over-budgeted bombs as Hollywood shies away from taking risks on big blockbusters.

His resignation comes after two years in a row of nasty March surprises, ironically both having to do with the Red Planet. Last year it was "Mars Needs Moms," a creepy animated movie that lost $70 million. This year, it was "John Carter," a sci-fi action movie set on Mars that resulted in a $200 million loss for Disney.

Ross, 50, said in a memo to staff that he no longer believed his role as chairman of Walt Disney Studios was "the right professional fit."

The move was not surprising to analysts, coming a few months after studio marketing chief MT Carney also departed because of a string of lackluster releases.

Disney CEO Bob Iger, who said last summer that big-budget movies were getting "increasingly more risky," thanked Ross for his years of service.

The Walt Disney Co.'s stock increased 27 cents to close Friday at $42.35.

Disney's most successful movies recently have been made by studios it has bought, including "Toy Story" maker Pixar, which releases "Brave" in June, and Marvel, which will release the much-buzzed "The Avengers" overseas next week.

Under the Touchstone brand, Disney also distributes movies made by Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks production company, including "War Horse."

Fixing problems at the studio is seen as crucial for the company, because movies launch characters that are developed into Disney toys, theme park rides, books and video games. For example, "Cars Land," an attraction based on the Pixar movies, will open at Disney California Adventure in June.

"For Disney, it feeds a lot bigger value chain," Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Todd Juenger said. "This is a more significant move for investors of Disney than it would be at other companies."

Although some of Ross's troubles stemmed from films put into production by his predecessor, Dick Cook, analysts said his inability to prevent big losses was what led to his exit.

"At some level he takes responsibility for not fixing them or shutting them down," Needham & Co. equity analyst Laura Martin said. "They need to lower the risk of entry and build franchise films from that base. Not go all in, hoping it works out."

Part of the estimated $250 million budget on "John Carter" can be attributed to the notion that the movie could become a multi-part series, as it was based on a trove of books by the late Edgar Rice Burroughs. The series began with "A Princess of Mars" in 1917 and carried through to the posthumously published "John Carter of Mars" in 1964.

The movie starring Taylor Kitsch had a budget that rivaled what 20th Century Fox spent on "Avatar."

But "John Carter" made only $269 million at box offices worldwide while "Avatar" took in $2.8 billion. After splits with theater owners and marketing expenses, Disney has said "John Carter" would cause a studio-wide loss of $80 million to $120 million in the January-March quarter.

Ross had taken the job just two and a half years ago with a mission to cut costs and develop new hits. He had brought "High School Musical" and "Hannah Montana" to TV audiences when he headed Disney Channels Worldwide.

Ross spent much of his early tenure at the studio cutting costs and canceling projects that weren't seen as important to the Disney brand.

He shut down the San Francisco-area motion-capture facility used to digitally animate Jim Carrey's Scrooge character in "A Christmas Carol," sold the award-winning Miramax label to outside investors, and cut such movies as "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" and "Wild Hogs 2" from the development slate. Last year, he suspended production on "The Lone Ranger," starring Johnny Depp, until its budget was trimmed.

But those efforts were overshadowed by movies that were released but failed to excite big audiences, including "Prince of Persia," ''Prom," ''Secretariat" and even "Winnie the Pooh."

Ross told staff in a memo Friday that "the best people need to be in the right jobs, in roles they are passionate about, doing work that leverages the full range of their abilities."

"I no longer believe the chairman role is the right professional fit for me."

Iger wished him well in a statement.

"Rich Ross's creative instincts, business acumen and personal integrity have driven results in key businesses for Disney," Iger said. "I appreciate his countless contributions throughout his entire career."

Ross's resignation is effective immediately. Disney did not name a successor.

A couple possible candidates for elevation at the studio are John Lasseter and Ed Catmull, who together built Pixar from a computer imaging company into an animated movie powerhouse. After Disney's acquisition in 2006, the men have top jobs overseeing animated movies at Pixar and Disney.

The men have helped Disney's animated films move "in the right direction," according to Don Peri, the author of a couple books on Disney animators including "Working with Disney." He declined to speculate on whether they would make good studio heads.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Karl Marx Family Tree ? Blog de KingShamus

Posted by KingShamus on April 16, 2012

Go through the whole incestuous thing and see if you can find any faults with it.

I think this is pretty much spot-on.

Steve over at the Motor City Times found this neat gem.

I simply had to steal it.

Also: ?Steve is pretty much fighting behind enemy lines by living in The People?s Republic of Mittenganstan, so check out the Motor City Times blog early and often?and twice on Sundays.

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One blogger likes this post.

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Video Conferencing Platform Blue Jeans Lands Major Reseller Deal ...

Leena Rao currently works as a writer for TechCrunch. She recently finished graduate school at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, where she studied business journalism and videography. From 2004 to 2007, she helped lead Congresswoman Carloyn Maloney???s community outreach and relations efforts in New York City. She graduated from Columbia University in 2003, where she was... ? Learn More

Blue Jeans Network, an enterprise video conferencing solution to integrate across many platforms, is announcing a major reseller partnership with Intercall, one of the largest audio conferencing and collaboration services vendors.

Dubbed ?any(ware) video conferencing,? Blue Jeans Network bridges together conferencing technology from Cisco/Tandberg, Polycom, Lifesize with consumers platforms such as Skype and Google Talk. Remote workers, travelers and telecommuters with access to Skype and a video-enabled desktop or mobile device, can participate in video meetings with their colleagues on traditional enterprise video conferencing equipment.

Blue Jeans Network users each get a private ?meeting room? in the Blue Jeans cloud that they can use to schedule, host, and manage meetings. Participants join meetings by simply dialing a number or clicking on a link from their systems, whether that be Skype or Tandberg.

Through this partnership with Blue Jeans Network, InterCall will resell Blue Jeans? product to its customers. While Blue Jeans has reseller agreements with other providers such as Deutsche Telecom, this is the largest partnership to date, says the company.

Currently, Blue Jeans Network, which has raised $23.5 million in funding, says that InterCall did 20 billion audio minutes in 2011 from customers, which is 25 percent of the total of 80 billion audio minutes worldwide.

At Blue Jeans Network, their mission is to make video communications as easy and pervasive as audio communications, enabling more effective collaboration at work, at home, and on the road. Their cloud-based conferencing service enables people to connect with each other any time, any place, and from practically any device.

Learn more

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