Saturday, December 31, 2011

Anonymous targets military-gear site in latest holiday hack

In what its calling another round of "LulzXmas festivities," an Anonymous-affiliated hacktivst group today is claiming yet another breach and posting of customer information.

On Christmas Day the target was security think tank Strategic Forecasting, or Stratfor. This time it was, a Web site that sells military gear.

(Credit: Screenshot by CNET)

"Continuing the week long celebration of wreaking utter havoc on global financial systems, militaries, and governments, we are announcing our next target: the online piggie supply store," the group wrote in a Pastebin posting today.

The hackers said they breached the site months ago, but only just got around to posting the customer data. Even though the site's data was encrypted, they claim to have 14,000 passwords and details for 8,000 credit cards belonging to Special Forces Gear customers.

In a statement to CNET, Special Forces Gear founder Dave Thomas confirmed that his company's Web servers were compromised by Anonymous in late August, resulting in a security breach that allowed the hackers to obtain customer usernames, passwords, and possibly encrypted credit card information in some cases. "We have no evidence of any further security breaches, and we believe that the recent Stratfor incident is being used to bring this old news back into the spotlight," he noted.

Thomas added that the compromised passwords were from a backup of a previous version of the Web site that is more than a year old. "Most of the credit card numbers are expired, and we don't have evidence of any credit card misuse at this time," he wrote. "The current Web site does not store customer passwords or credit card information."

After the security breach, "we completely rebuilt our Web site and hired third-party consultants to help us shore up Web site security," he said, adding that the vast majority of the sites' sales are custom t-shirts and related gifts, and that the company donates a portion of its profits to charity.

Identity Finder, a New York-based data loss and identity theft prevention service, determined that files posted to date by Anonymous and its AntiSec offshoot related to this breach include 7,277 unique credit card numbers; 68,830 e-mail addresses (of which 40,854 are unique); and 36,368 plain-text usernames and passwords, some of which might be duplicates.

In the statement issued today, the hackers also took another shot at Stratfor for its alleged confusion over whether its data had been encrypted or not:

We also laughed heartily whilst these so-called protectors of private property scrambled desperately to recover the sensitive information of all the customers who they wronged by failing to use proper security precautions. does encrypt customer data. "Nevertheless, our voodoo prevailed and we were quickly able to break back into the military supplier's server and steal their encryption keys," the hackers wrote. "We then wrote a few simple functions to recover the cleartext passwords, credit card numbers, and expiration dates to all their customers' cards. That's how we roll."


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Wedding chapel for sale in Elkton

The 19th-century stone mansion for sale on Elkton's Main Street offers an impressive list of features: numerous bedrooms and baths, as well as six fireplaces. But there's much more: a fully appointed wedding chapel filled with decades of memories ? and even some reservations for next Valentine's Day.

Owners Frank and Barbara Smith hope a buyer will retain the chapel, the last remnant of the bustling marriage business that once defined this town on Maryland's northern border. But they also realize that the site, across the street from the Cecil County courthouse, would be a prime location for lawyers' offices.

"I am so worried we will lose this tradition, but we have to sell," said Barbara Smith, a lifelong Elkton resident, who at 80 is ready to forsake weddings. "We are the only one left, in a historic building with a historic sign out front, and our painting hangs in the Annapolis State House. We hope to find someone interested in keeping the building as a chapel."

Frank Smith, Barbara's husband of 15 years, handles the arrangements now, but he too is ready to retire. He has officiated at more than 6,000 weddings, including one when the ring bearer, a 180-pound Great Dane, stood on its hind legs, placed its front paws on his shoulders and licked his face as he led the couple through their vows.

The Smiths are asking $350,000 for the four-story building and will toss in all wedding accoutrements, even down to the dainty lace curtains with rosebud tie-backs and the overflowing silk flower arrangements.

"We will leave whatever the buyer wants: definitely the pews, altar, seasonal decorations," he said. "They could be open for business the day they settle."

About 15 chapels, including one in the back of a barbershop, once lined Main Street, and a platoon of ministers staffed them. The lack of requirements ? no waiting period, no blood tests and no witnesses ? drew celebrities and ordinary folks alike.

The famous brides and grooms include actors Cornel Wilde and Joan Fontaine, songstress Billie Holiday, John and Martha Mitchell of Watergate notoriety, evangelist and sometime presidential candidate Pat Robertson, and baseball legend Willie Mays. There's even an unconfirmed report of Babe Ruth's nuptials.

And the town's distinction spread through movies such as the Oscar-winning "Philadelphia Story," in which James Stewart beseeched Katherine Hepburn to run away with him to Elkton.

But business has waned considerably over the years.

Last week, Elaine Dunn and Michael Christopher wed in the same small chapel her mother and grandmother chose for their weddings. All three brides walked down a sweeping staircase from a spacious second-story dressing room and into the parlor that is Elkton's last wedding chapel.

As grandmother Ada Allison, who wed on Dec. 9, 1960, and mother Susan Pennock waited for the bride, they reminisced.

"Martha Raye got married here in the morning, and I followed right after her," said Allison, 96, referring to the comedian popular in the 1950s. "I don't know how long she kept her husband, but I was married 29 years."

For Pennock, a widow after 37 years of marriage, the day was bittersweet and her first time back to the chapel on Elkton's Main Street since her own wedding in 1971.

"It hasn't changed much," she said.

Sometime early last century, the then-owners of 142 East Main converted a room into a chapel with pews and an oak altar that remain today. Even when Maryland enacted a two-day waiting period between license and ceremony, elopers still chose Elkton, and it remained, in the pre-Vegas era, the marriage mecca of the East Coast.

Barbara Smith purchased the building in 1975, and Frank joined her in the business when they, too, eloped ? to Santa Barbara, Calif.

"We survived and so did Colonial Jewelers and Edward's Tuxedos," Frank Smith said. "That's about it. Now we have law offices, tattoo parlors and bail bondsmen. If we close, that's the end of the wedding business."

Not exactly the end, but definitely the demise of a more churchlike option. Just across the street, the less expensive courthouse nuptials will go on. Janice Potts, deputy clerk of the courts for nearly 30 years, registered 100 marriages in November, personally performing about 75 of them. There were 83 weddings at the courthouse on Valentine's Day, twice the number at the chapel.

"I guess we will pick up their business," Potts said. "The Smiths are good friends of mine. It is sad when any business closes."


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Leaked Windows Phone roadmap says Tango update launches in Q2, Apollo in Q4

Microsoft may follow up its Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango) release with Windows Phone Tango as soon as the second quarter next year?according?to?a leaked document WMPoweruser?claims to be an an official roadmap. Windows Phone Tango may only be released for lower-end products with the ?best prices,? although a conflicting rumor suggested that Nokia?s flagship Lumia 900 will run Tango also. Apollo will likely be Microsoft?s next major update and the leaked roadmap suggests it will be launched during the fourth quarter next year.?Apollo is expected to offer integrated NFC support and a new positioning framework for GPS, among other enhancements.



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How beavers helped build America

Beavers, once abundant and widespread in the Northern Hemisphere, helped to forge the ground underneath many Americans? feet

The team behind a new study used ground-penetrating radar to detect buried beaver dams.

The study, published in the January 2012 issue of Geology, reveals how beaver activity up to thousands of years ago affected sedimentation and left its lasting mark within North America's ground.

NEWS: Largest Beaver Dam Seen From Space

?Ecologists have estimated that, prior to the arrival of Europeans in North America, anywhere from 60 to 400 million beavers inhabited the continent, with a geographic range estimated at 15 million square kilometers,? co-author Ellen Wohl told Discovery News.

?Beavers were present from the arctic tundra to the deserts of northern Mexico, so they would have been in every U.S. state but Hawaii,? added Wohl, a professor in the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University.

VIDEO: Watch a beaver chop down a tree.

For the study, Wohl and colleagues Natalie Kramer and Dennis Harry used both ground-penetrating radar and near-surface seismic refraction to detect beaver-induced sedimentation.

Both methods put energy, radar and seismic waves, into the ground. The researchers then recorded the times required for the energy?s return, using spatial differences in these travel times to infer the presence of contrasts in the subsurface. These, in turn, can reveal buried beaver dams that may have no surface expression.

The scientists focused their work at a site appropriately called Beaver Meadows in Colorado?s Rocky Mountain National Park. As of 1976, no beavers were present in the area, but earlier surveys documented the presence of numerous beaver lodges. The beaver dam sedimentation detected by the scientists dated from 180 to 4,300 years ago, with even older remains possible.

The study determined that beavers contributed 30 to 50 percent of post-glacial sediments in the target area.

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?I think it very likely that our results are not unique to the Beaver Meadows study site, but also apply to other regions with relatively low rates of sediment yield to valley bottoms,? Wohl said.

She explained that beaver dams interrupt the flow of a stream, creating a backwater effect of reduced velocity. Sediment deposits in the backwater zone of the beaver pond, with this material remaining ?in storage? until river erosion may mobilize it and carry it downstream.

The process is beneficial to humans, she continued, because ?wet meadows associated with beaver dams have higher habitat and species diversity for plants, insects and other invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals -- pretty much all forms of life.?

Beaver ponds additionally help to remove carbon and nitrogen from water. When carbon combines with chlorine -- used in many water treatment facilities -- it can result in cancer-causing chemicals, she said, so beavers can help to keep drinking water safe.

Jill Baron, co-director of the John Wesley Powell Center for Earth System Analysis and Synthesis at the U.S. Geological Survey, believes that studies like this latest one, which show the widespread and long-standing effects of beaver activity, are important.

NEWS: Ancient Beavers Didn?t Have a Taste for Wood

?Not only do beavers make wetlands, but they also alter the appearance and function of rivers for a very long time,? Baron said.

?What beavers do is create environments for storing carbon and processing nitrogen,? Baron said. The latter, in particular, provides a ?very important ecosystem service, because reactive nitrogen flowing down rivers is what causes eutrophication, hypoxia and dead zones in many of the world?s estuaries (such as at Chesapeake Bay and the Gulf of Mexico),? she said.

Due to intense beaver hunting, habitat destruction, pollution and other problems, the beaver population has plummeted by the millions in recent decades. Since beavers can impact human activities, their presence in areas remains controversial. Conservation groups such as Worth a Dam in Martinez, California, however, work hard to maintain beaver dams through responsible stewardship and to educate the public about the many benefits associated with beavers.

? 2011 Discovery Channel


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LAPD Blog: Family Reunited with Their Family Pets


Los Angeles:? On December 3, 2011 Los Angeles City residents Jahari and Shana Boyd discovered that their two dogs, ?Myles? a Cocker Spaniel/Terrier mix and ?Sam? a Boston Terrier/Pug mix had escaped from their secured yard in the 8800 block of Roslyndale Avenue in Arleta. ?

Jahari and Shana had recently purchased a home in the area and they were unfamiliar with the neighborhood.? Having recently moved to the area and losing their dogs, which they consider to be members of their family, they described feeling as if their home was ?an empty shell without their family members.?? Aggravating their feelings of despair was the thought of celebrating the Christmas season without their family pets and not knowing whether the dogs were safe.

On December 4, 2011, Officers Farner and Martinez were returning to Operations- Valley Bureau in Panorama City when they saw two stray dogs roaming the streets.? Upon observing the dogs they noticed that the dogs were well cared for and must be someone?s pets.? Farner and Martinez took the initiative to take custody of the dogs and embarked on a two-week search for their owners.

Officer Farner took the dogs into her home; cleaned them, fed them and cared for them as if they were her own.? Upon returning to work the next day, Officer Farner created and posted fliers to notify the public that two dogs had been found.? After several days of no- response, Officer Farner posted a public notice on Craigslist advertising the found dogs.? In spite of her extraordinary effort in attempting to locate the owners of the dogs, she was unsuccessful.

On December 19, 2011, Farner and Martinez, while assigned to the Valley Bureau Crime Task Force were working Foothill Division.? While conducting enforcement duties, Officer Martinez saw a flier that read, ?Lost Dog.?? The flier had a picture of the two dogs as well as a description and names of the dogs, along with contact information for Jahiri Boyd.? Upon seeing the flier, Martinez and Farner recognized the dogs as the ones Officer Farner had been caring for.

Farner contacted Jahiri and advised her that her dogs were safe and well cared for.? Upon receiving the phone call Jahiri fell to her knees and started crying as she was so thankful that her dogs were safe and that they would be returning home.? Farner made arrangements with Jahiri to meet with her and reunite Jahiri with ?Myles? and ?Sam? their beloved family members.

On December 28, 2011, Sgt. Plugge spoke to Jahiri to inquire about her dogs and the experience of being reunited with her family pets.? Jahiri stated that she was extremely grateful for the thoughtfulness, compassion and caring attitude Officer Farner displayed towards her pets.? She went on to say that her faith in mankind has been restored.? She is proud that Officers from the Los Angeles Police Department are dedicated to their motto of ?To protect and to serve,? even when the recipients of the service are family pets.

Officers Farner and Martinez are to be commended for extending their compassion and concern to not only the human residents of this City but also to our four legged friends that are often times, also? thought of as members.?

Officer Farner in particular is commended for her extraordinary effort in caring for the animals and tirelessly searching for their owner so that they could be reunited with their family.? The actions of these officers reflect highly upon the Los Angeles Police Department and made great strides in emphasizing the partnership between the Police Department and the citizens that we serve.

For further information please contact Sgt. Matthew Plugge at 818-269-9733 or Sgt. Kalyn at 818-644-8080.




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Thursday, December 29, 2011

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Alibaba hires U.S. lobbying firm as it eyes Yahoo (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Alibaba Group has hired Washington lobbying firm Duberstein Group Inc, in a sign that the Chinese company would be willing to make a bid for all of Yahoo Inc if talks for buying back Yahoo's Asian assets do not succeed.

Japan's Softbank Corp is also listed as an Alibaba affiliate in the lobbying firm's disclosure.

Alibaba declined to comment.

Alibaba, which has been interested in buying back most of the 40 percent stake that Yahoo owns in it, retained the lobbyist firm in the fall to prepare for the possibility that it might have to bid for all of Yahoo, possibly along with some private equity firms, a source familiar with the situation said.

However, now Yahoo is considering a proposal by Alibaba and Softbank to buy shares Yahoo owns in the Chinese company and Yahoo Japan in a complex deal valued at roughly $17 billion, sources told Reuters last week.

Yahoo owns 35 percent of Yahoo Japan, with Softbank as the majority partner in that venture.

The Duberstein Group is headed by Kenneth Duberstein, a former White House chief of staff under U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Its other clients include BP America Inc, Goldman Sachs & Co and Pfizer Inc.

The filing marks the first time Alibaba has registered to lobby the U.S. government, according to a search of congressional records.

The lobbying registration lists the law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, which specializes in mergers and acquisitions, as an intermediary between Alibaba and the company's lobbying team.

The lobbying registration was received by a U.S. Senate office on December 23 and then posted online, but the lobbying work likely began earlier.

Under U.S. law, a lobbying firm is required to file a public disclosure within 45 days of crossing certain thresholds, such as making contact with a public official. The filing for Alibaba says it is effective as of December 1.

(Reporting By David Ingram in Washington and Paritosh Bansal in New York; Editing by Richard Chang and Steve Orlofsky)


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday Open Thread: Finance Edition - Big Government

Today, in 1945, the World Bank and IMF were created.

Posted Dec 27th 2011 at 12:01 am in Open Threads | 397224No


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Magnificent seven for De Lange but South Africa are skittled

It's been a year like no other for Test-match debutants. Yesterday in Durban, Marchant de Lange became the eighth bowler to return five wickets in his first taste of the game's highest form to join an eclectic collection ? three Australians, two South Africans, an Indian, a New Zealander and a Bangladeshi called Sunny ? in making 2011 the year of the rookie.

It is comfortably the most in the sport's history, bettering the five first-timers in 2003 and 1962, and De Lange's addition to the list will be of particular interest to Andy Flower with South Africa due in England next summer (their erratic batting ? yesterday they were dismissed for 168, and a first-innings deficit of 170, by Sri Lanka ? will also not have gone unnoticed). The 6ft 2in, 21-year-old's spectacular start ? he finished with 7 for 81 ? gives South Africa a potent seam attack when added to Dale Steyn, Morne Morkel and Vernon Philander, the other South African among the 2011 debutants. Fast bowling has been a traditional strength of South African cricket but just months ago Allan Donald was voicing concerns. He isn't any more.

Like Steyn, De Lange comes from Limpopo province where cricketing facilities are scarce. They both played club games as teenagers in the small town of Tzaneen, where De Lange went to school. An all-round sportsman he was a promising javelin thrower ? his short run-up and speed have been in part put down to his athletic background.

In Melbourne, Sachin Tendulkar threatened to bring up his long-awaited 100th international century but was dismissed late on day two after helping put India in command of the first Test against Australia. Tendulkar was bowled by Peter Siddle for 73 from just 98 deliveries, three balls before stumps at the MCG. He and Rahul Dravid (68 not out) helped the tourists reach 214 for 3, in response to Australia's 333.

2011: Year of the rookie

Nathan Lyon (Australia) 5-34 v Sri Lanka

Elias Sunny (Bang) 6-94 v Zimbabwe

Doug Bracewell (NZ) 5-85 v Zimbabwe

Ravi Ashwin (Ind) 6-47 v West Indies

Vernon Philander (SA) 5-15 v Australia

Pat Cummins (Aus) 6-79 v South Africa

James Pattinson (Aus) 5-27 v New Zealand

Marchant de Lange (SA) 7-81 v Sri Lanka


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

jephjacques: Wow, twitter's iPad app is almost impressively shitty. Switching to Tweetcaster, which seems less so.

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Wow, twitter's iPad app is almost impressively shitty. Switching to Tweetcaster, which seems less so. jephjacques

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Monday, December 26, 2011

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

[OOC] Burning Bridges

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Miron: Who's to blame for D.C. gridlock? (CNN)

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Alec Baldwin: ?I Doubt? I?ll Still Run For Mayor of New York City (AUDIO)

Truth rating: 10

30 Rock Alec Baldwin Here's The Thing WNYC



Despite an interest in politics, Alec Baldwin says he has lost his ?appetite? to run for office.

?I doubt it now. The older I get, the more I feel that all of it has changed,? the actor said Wednesday on his WNYC radio show, ?Here?s The Thing.?

Baldwin has previously said he?d consider running for Mayor of New York, but now finds himself turned off by the political players currently in the mix.

?I don?t see myself in that crowd,? he said, accusing current possible candidates as?being ?horny for their own ascension.?

RELATED ? Alec Baldwin Kicked Off American Airlines Flight

Instead, the ?30 Rock? star would rather focus on the life he currently leads.

?I?ve got a job now,? he said, referring to his hit NBC show. ?We have fun, and it?s a family and I love New York and I?ve got a life. It?s been a great harbor for me in my life.?

?Give this up for what?? Baldwin wondered. ?I give up money and fame and position and success; I give up this wonderful life I have now in exchange for the chance to really change things.?

?Yeah, I?m not quite sure you can anymore,? he added.

Listen below at the 26-minute mark.

Do you agree with Baldwin?s reasoning?

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Pennsylvania predicting $500 million deficit, no tax increase (Reuters)

HARRISBURG, Pa (Reuters) ? As Pennsylvania slogs its way through a bad economy, officials predicted on Tuesday that the commonwealth would end its fiscal year next June with at least $500 million in debt.

However, state Budget Secretary Charles Zogby said Republican Governor Tom Corbett is not talking about tax increases to level its 2012-13 spending plan. Pennsylvania's constitution prohibits budget deficits from being carried into the new fiscal year.

"I am not working under the assumption that I have other revenue options," Zogby said.

State revenue collections are $345 million below estimates, as of November. Corporate tax collections are running 18 percent, or $167 million, lower than what the administration was hoping to collect.

It is possible, Zogby said, that Pennsylvania could be more than $1 billion in debt to start the new fiscal year because of mandated state and school employee pension, medical assistance, and debt service costs that today could cost $1 billion.

Zogby said the state is looking now at freezing a percentage of agency budgets to come up with the $750 million that would balance this year's budget and soften the blow of another deficit. Pennsylvania's deficit in 2011-12 was $4.1 billion.

"These are very difficult times with very difficult choices in front of us. All of the easy things, the low-hanging fruit has been picked," Zogby said.

Zogby expressed his disappointment that Washington has not extended the federal payroll tax holiday and emergency unemployment benefits. He also said the administration is concerned about a 0.3 percent increase next month in unemployment compensation loan repayments, the ongoing economic crisis in Europe, and uncertainty over the amount of available federal funding to states.

He said the state's financial position and liquidity remain historically weak and "will likely deteriorate" if monthly revenue shortfalls continue.

Still, he said he hopes economic conditions improve.

"But I can't balance a budget on wishes. I have to do it on reality. And the reality is it's not looking very good," Zogby said.

Governor Corbett will deliver his budget proposal to the state House and Senate in February.

(Editing by Jerry Norton)


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cowboys build early lead, then coast to victory

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo (9) is hit by Tampa Bay Buccaneers defensive end Adrian Clayborn (94) as he throws an 8-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Miles Austin during the first half of an NFL football game Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011, in Tampa, Fla. Defending for the Cowboys are offensive tackle Doug Free (68) and guard Montrae Holland (64). (AP Photo/Brian Blanco)

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo (9) is hit by Tampa Bay Buccaneers defensive end Adrian Clayborn (94) as he throws an 8-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Miles Austin during the first half of an NFL football game Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011, in Tampa, Fla. Defending for the Cowboys are offensive tackle Doug Free (68) and guard Montrae Holland (64). (AP Photo/Brian Blanco)

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo (9) throws a pass over Tampa Bay Buccaneers middle linebacker Mason Foster (59) during the second quarter of an NFL football game on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Brian Blanco)

Dallas Cowboys tight end Martellus Bennett (80) and wide receiver Laurent Robinson (81) celebrate a 9-yard touchdown reception by Robinson during the first half of an NFL football game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Margaret Bowles)

Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Laurent Robinson (81) celebrates a touchdown reception as Tampa Bay Buccaneers defensive back Elbert Mack (33) walks off the field during the first half of an NFL football game on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Margaret Bowles)

Dallas Cowboys running back Felix Jones (28) dives over teammate center Phil Costa (67) and Tampa Bay Buccaneers outside linebacker Geno Hayes (54) on a run during the first quarter of an NFL football game on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Margaret Bowles)

(AP) ? Tony Romo was nearly flawless in getting the Dallas Cowboys back on track in the NFC East.

Romo threw for three touchdowns and ran for a fourth score Saturday night, helping the first-place Cowboys beat the struggling Tampa Bay Buccaneers 31-15.

Dallas stopped a two-game losing streak in which it blew fourth-quarter leads to allow a seemingly solid grip on the division lead slip away.

The victory gave the Cowboys (8-6) a half-game lead over New York. Although the Giants hold a tiebreaker advantage after beating Dallas 37-34 last week, the Cowboys can claim the division title and host a playoff game by finishing with wins the next two weeks over Philadelphia at home and the Giants on the road.

The Bucs (4-10) lost for the eighth straight time and played a miserable first half that certainly didn't do anything to help coach Raheem Morris make a case for keeping his job.

Romo threw a pair of 8-yard TD passes to Miles Austin and Dez Bryant in the first quarter, then finished a seven-play, 89-yard drive with a 9-yarder to Laurent Robinson to make it 21-0 with just under 5 minutes remaining in the second quarter. Romo made it 28-0 on a quarterback sneak in the closing seconds of the opening half.

Tampa Bay managed just one first down and was outgained 279 yards to 55 in the first two quarters, but found a way to make it interesting in the second half.

The Bucs, who had had yielded 69 consecutive points dating to the second quarter of the previous week's 41-14 loss to Jacksonville, finally got on the scoreboard in the third quarter when rookie Adrian Clayborn sacked Romo from behind, forcing a fumble that linebacker Dekoda Watson returned 4 yards for a TD for a much-needed spark.

Josh Freeman's 13-yard TD pass to Dezmon Briscoe and a two-point conversion throw to Kellen Winslow trimmed the Dallas lead to 31-15 heading into the final quarter.

The Cowboys have led in the fourth quarter in five of their six losses, however there wouldn't be a late collapse this time. Tampa Bay turned the ball over on downs twice in the last six minutes, and Sammy Morris picked up a first down inside the Bucs 10 to give the Cowboys an opportunity to run out the clock.

Austin's TD midway through the first quarter was set up by Tampa Bay's NFL-leading 32nd turnover, a fumble by Freeman on the fifth play of the game.

The Tampa Bay quarterback scrambled 25 yards on third-and-5 to march the Bucs near midfield, but the opening possession of the night came to an abrupt halt on the next play when Freeman took off again for a 7-yard gain and was stripped of the ball at the Cowboys 44.

Linebacker Bradie James recovered and it took Romo seven plays to get Dallas in the end zone for the first time. The Cowboys marched 69 yards in 10 plays on their next possession, with Romo finishing the drive by finding a wide-open Bryant in the back of the end zone to make it 14-0.

In three career games against Tampa Bay ? all lopsided victories ? Romo has thrown for 908 yards, 11 touchdowns and no interceptions. He was 23 of 30 for 249 yards and was sacked twice Saturday night.

Felix Jones, back in the starting lineup after DeMarco Murray broke his right ankle last week in a 37-34 loss to the Giants, broke a 38-yard run on the drive leading to Robinson's TD and finished with 108 yards on 22 carries ? his second straight 100-yard performance had 67 yards rushing on 12 carries at halftime.

Freeman, making his second start since missing a game because of an injured throwing shoulder, was 17 of 27 for 148 yards and no interceptions. He led the Bucs in rushing with 37 yards on four attempts and was sacked three times, once by DeMarcus Ware, who notched his 16th of the season.

Thanks to a large contingent of Cowboys fans, the Bucs played before a sellout crowd at home for just the second time in two seasons. Judging by all the blue and white jerseys scattered throughout the 65,000-seat stadium, at least half the house appeared to be rooting for Dallas.

The Bucs have lost eight straight following a 4-2 start that included wins over NFC South rivals New Orleans and Atlanta. The skid has coach Raheem Morris on the hot seat just a year after the NFL's youngest head coach led his team to a surprising 10-6 finish that heightened expectations coming into this season.

Tampa Bay played Saturday night without starting receiver Arrelious Benn, who suffered a concussion during last week's loss at Jacksonville. He was replaced by Briscoe, who began the night with just 23 receptions yet shared the team lead in touchdown catches with three.

Associated Press


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9 states win early learning grant (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Nine states will share $500 million in grant money won in a high-profile competition intended to jump-start improvements in early childhood programs, the Obama administration announced Friday.

California, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island and Washington state will see funding for innovative efforts in often-overlooked pre-K schooling.

"Nothing is more important than getting our babies off to a good start," Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Friday at the White House.

The money to aid the nation's youngest learners is part of the administration's cornerstone education initiative ? the "Race to the Top" grant competition. It has states competing for federal dollars to create programs intended to make schools more effective in exchange for education initiatives it favors. Last year, it handed out $4 billion in similar grants focused on K-12 education.

The goal of this competition is to get more children from birth to age 5 ready for kindergarten. Thirty-five states along with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico applied for the chance to win between about $50 million to $100 million apiece in prize money. The winnings are to help build statewide systems that affect all early learning programs, including child care, Head Start centers and public or private preschools.

Billions are spent annually in America on early education programs, but the quality and availability of those programs varies greatly. Roughly half of all 3-year-olds and about a quarter of 4-year-olds do not attend preschool, said Steve Barnett, director of the National Institute for Early Education Research at Rutgers University.

Kids who attend quality early education programs have been shown to do better in school, be less likely to spend time in prison later and to make more money as adults. But children from low-income families who start kindergarten without any schooling are estimated to start school 18 months behind their peers, a gap that is extremely difficult to overcome.

To win, states were asked to demonstrate a commitment to making such programs more accessible, coordinated and more effective. Providing professional development for teachers and creating ways to assess the education level of kids entering kindergarten were among the areas states were asked to focus on in their applications.

Duncan was joined at the White House by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, whose agency helped run the competition. HHS oversees the federal Head Start program, which provides early education to nearly 1 million low-income children.

Sebelius said the goal is to provide high-profile encouragement to programs that improve teaching skills, encourage healthy eating and exercise and get parents ? especially in low-income neighborhoods ? more directly involved.

"By pushing everyone ... to raise their game, we intend to foster innovation in early education programs around the country," Sibelius said.

Last month, Obama announced new rules that require lower-performing Head Start programs to compete for funding. The Education Department also has proposed creating a new office to oversee the grants and better coordinate early learning programs.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Torrent of bad financial news flows out of Europe (AP)

DUBLIN ? Alarming financial news flowed out of Europe in a torrent Friday, just a week after the EU leaders struck a deal they thought would contain the continent's debt crisis.

The bombardment shredded hopes of a lasting solution to the turmoil that is endangering the euro ? the currency used by 17 European nations ? and threatening the entire global economy.

In quick succession:

? The Fitch Ratings agency announced it was considering further cuts to the credit scores of six eurozone nations ? heavyweights Italy and Spain, as well as Belgium, Cyprus, Ireland and Slovenia. It said all six could face downgrades of one or two notches.

? Moody's Investors Services downgraded Belgium's credit rating by two notches. Belgium's local- and foreign-currency government bond ratings fell to "Aa3" from Aa1," with a negative outlook. The ratings remain investment grade.

? Ireland's economy shrunk again much deeper than had been expected, with its third-quarter gross domestic product falling 1.9 percent. Ireland is one of three eurozone nations kept solvent only by an international bailout.

? Bankers and hedge funds were balking in talks about forgiving 50 percent of Greece's massive debts, a key issue in the debate over Greece's second rescue bailout.

? The red ink in Spain's regional governments surged 22 percent in the last year, endangering the central government's efforts to cut overall Spanish debt.

? France, the second-largest eurozone economy after Germany, warned that it faced at least a temporary recession next year.

? The euro hovered Friday just above $1.30, a cent higher than its 11-month low.

On the positive side, Fitch said France should keep its top AAA credit rating even though the country's debt load is projected to rise through 2014. Italian lawmakers overwhelmingly passed Premier Mario Monti's new austerity package in a confidence vote, even though many still objected to its pension reforms.

French officials and investors had feared that France could get downgraded, which would have immediate repercussions for the entire eurozone. France and Germany's AAA credit ratings underpin the rating for the eurozone's bailout fund.

European Union leaders confirmed Friday they have distributed the text of their proposed new budget-stability treaty, a pact designed to deter runaway deficits and supposed to become EU law by March. But as growth prospects fade across the continent, governments are facing the likelihood that Europe's debt crisis will prove longer and tougher to overcome than even their most recently revised forecasts.

Until this week, EU leaders held up Ireland as the model for how a debt-struck nation should behave ? defying economic gravity by simultaneously growing its economy while sucking billions out of that same economy in Europe's longest austerity drive.

But on Friday, Ireland announced its third-quarter gross domestic product fell 1.9 percent, its national product 2.2 percent. Economists had expected only an 0.5 percent fall for GDP and none at all for GNP. The latter figure is considered a better measure of Ireland's economic vitality because it excludes the largely exported profits of about 600 American companies based in the country.

Ireland has been cutting spending and hiking taxes since late 2008 and has plans to keep doing so through 2015. Next year's target is euro2.2 billion ($2.9 billion) in cuts and euro1.6 billion ($2.1 billion) in extra charges, including a hike in national sales tax to 23 percent and introduction of a new euro100 ($131) tax on every property.

But the country's finances this year are seriously out of whack: It is spending euro57 billion ($74.5 billion), including euro10 billion ($13 billion) to keep its five nationalized banks afloat, but collecting just euro34 billion ($44 billion) in taxes.

Labor union leaders say the unexpected slump confirmed Friday is irrefutable evidence that Ireland's 4.5 million citizens already have been squeezed too much, too quickly.

"Current policies are making recovery almost impossible," said David Begg, general secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. "No economy can sustain the sort of ongoing damage that is being inflicted on us."

"We need growth and we need it quickly," he added.

Ireland's year-old international bailout requires the Irish to reduce their annual deficits from an EU record 32 percent of GDP in 2010 to the traditional eurozone limit of 3 percent by 2015. But analysts agree that Ireland cannot hope to meet the 2015 goal if its economy doesn't grow sufficiently.

Ireland's recovery plan now presumes 1.6 percent growth in 2012 and 2.8 percent growth in each of the next three years ? figures many consider way too optimistic.

Alan McQuaid, chief economist at Bloxham Stockbrokers in Dublin, said Ireland would "do well" to reach 0.5 percent growth this year "given the deteriorating world economic backdrop and the fall-off in global demand." He said he doubted Ireland could top 1 percent growth next year.

In other developments:


The new premier's austerity package passed 495-88 Friday, but lawmakers on both the left and right criticized the pension reforms as too harsh. The plan raises euro30 billion ($39 billion) in extra taxes and pension reforms and plows about euro10 billion ($13 billion) of that back into growth measures.

Prosecutors in the southern region of Calabria, meanwhile, said they were investigating 10 envelopes with bullets inside found in a post office in the town of Lamezia Terme. The envelopes were addressed to the new leader Monti, his labor minister, former Premier Silvio Berlusconi and other top political or media figures, according to the Italian news agency ANSA.

Reports said the envelopes contained notes threatening those named if the austerity package wasn't changed.


European officials told The Associated Press that private holders of Greek bonds were resisting EU efforts to persuade them to take a voluntary 50 percent cut in the value of their holdings. The talks in Paris between EU and Greek leaders against representatives of global banks and hedge funds have been very difficult, they said.

The proposed euro100 billion ($130.6 billion) write-off of privately held Greek bonds is supposed to be agreed upon by early next year ? and it's central to Greece's second bailout deal. Without it, Greece's debt is forecast to escalate to nearly 200 percent of GDP.


A new conservative government committed to increased austerity is coming into office next week, but it faces a rapidly deteriorating financial outlook.

The Bank of Spain announced a 22 percent surge over the past year in the debts of the country's 17 regional governments to euro135.2 billion ($176.6 billion). Spain's central government debt rose 15 percent to above euro706 billion ($922.3 billion).


The main opposition party refused Friday to support the government's plan to amend the constitution to include a budget-deficit limit. All 17 members of the eurozone are supposed to make such commitments as part of the bloc's week-old plan to enshrine spending controls in a new treaty.

In a further worrying development, ratings agency Standard & Poor's on Friday downgraded the credit rating of six leading Portuguese banks to junk status.

Portugal received its own euro80 billion ($104.5 billion) international bailout deal in April.


Associated Press writers Angela Charlton in Paris, Gabriele Steinhauser in Brussels, Barry Hatton in Lisbon and Ciaran Giles in Madrid contributed to this report.



Ireland's GDP and GNP,


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Zynga IPO Prices At $10, The Upper End Of Its Range, But Under The Last Private Round

zyngaZynga priced its IPO at $10 a share, according to Bloomberg and CNBC (bankers love to leak). The IPO, which is set for tomorrow, will be in the upper end of the $8.50 to $10 price range the company indicated previously in SEC filings. Zynga will sell at least 100 million shares, raising $1 billion at a $7 billion valuation. The valuation is about half of where early reports were speculating it would be, but Zynga lowered the price in the face of the tepid performance of other tech IPOs lately and general economic concerns weighing down the stock market. Even with the lower price, Zynga is poised to open trading with a bigger market cap bigger than LinkedIn, which currently is at $6.4 billion.


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Poll: Are you getting a Verizon Galaxy Nexus?

A Nexus phone on Verizon? We've heard that one before and it didn't end too well. Yet somehow, after all these years, Google's pure Android juggernaut has finally managed to broach the Big Red velvet rope, landing its LTE innards online and in-stores for over-eager mobile diehards today. But this much-anticipated Ice Cream Sandwich flagship launch hasn't been without its hiccups, delays and disappointments (backplate branding and bloatware, anyone?). So, the burning question we have to ask is: Will you or won't you? Hop on past the break to toss in your two cents. Sound off. 1, 2...

Continue reading Poll: Are you getting a Verizon Galaxy Nexus?

Poll: Are you getting a Verizon Galaxy Nexus? originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 15 Dec 2011 11:55:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Experts strategize to bring desalination and renewable energy together

Experts strategize to bring desalination and renewable energy together [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Dec-2011
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Contact: Mary Carlson
Bureau of Reclamation

Renewable energy development will play a key role in improving and expanding desalination water projects throughout the United States, according to participants in the 56th Annual New Mexico Water Conference.

The conference, coordinated by the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute at New Mexico State University and the Bureau of Reclamation, brought desalination experts from around the world together in Alamogordo, N.M., to discuss ways to advance desalination projects on December 13 and 14.

The desalination process, which removes salt and other materials from brackish water, requires a large amount of energy and can contribute significantly to the carbon footprint. This is why they are seeking to expand technology to use renewable energy in the process.

Experts representing Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Australia presented some of their successful projects and demonstrated why Europe and Asia are currently considered the global leaders in this technology.

Dr. Bekele Debele of the Middle East and North Africa Region Worldbank said desalination is being looked at as an emerging solution to the region?s growing water gap. "Between 1950 and 2000 per-capita renewable water resources declined by more than 75 percent," Debele said. Saudi Arabia, the world?s leader in desalination, is looking to convert all of its seawater desalination plants to renewable energy by 2019, he said.

Following the presentations, breakout groups met to develop research projects along with potential collaboration opportunities. At the final plenary session, the proposed projects were presented and further discussed.

"We want these results to be widely disseminated," said Kevin Price, Advanced Water Treatment Research Coordinator for the Bureau of Reclamation. "We want to get the word out that these are great ideas so others will want to join in."

Testing of a solar powered desalination project will begin in January at the Bureau of Reclamation?s Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility in Alamogordo. Louisiana-based Suns River Inc. is conducting the testing.

The conference also included tours of the Brackish Groundwater


Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Experts strategize to bring desalination and renewable energy together [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 14-Dec-2011
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Contact: Mary Carlson
Bureau of Reclamation

Renewable energy development will play a key role in improving and expanding desalination water projects throughout the United States, according to participants in the 56th Annual New Mexico Water Conference.

The conference, coordinated by the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute at New Mexico State University and the Bureau of Reclamation, brought desalination experts from around the world together in Alamogordo, N.M., to discuss ways to advance desalination projects on December 13 and 14.

The desalination process, which removes salt and other materials from brackish water, requires a large amount of energy and can contribute significantly to the carbon footprint. This is why they are seeking to expand technology to use renewable energy in the process.

Experts representing Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Australia presented some of their successful projects and demonstrated why Europe and Asia are currently considered the global leaders in this technology.

Dr. Bekele Debele of the Middle East and North Africa Region Worldbank said desalination is being looked at as an emerging solution to the region?s growing water gap. "Between 1950 and 2000 per-capita renewable water resources declined by more than 75 percent," Debele said. Saudi Arabia, the world?s leader in desalination, is looking to convert all of its seawater desalination plants to renewable energy by 2019, he said.

Following the presentations, breakout groups met to develop research projects along with potential collaboration opportunities. At the final plenary session, the proposed projects were presented and further discussed.

"We want these results to be widely disseminated," said Kevin Price, Advanced Water Treatment Research Coordinator for the Bureau of Reclamation. "We want to get the word out that these are great ideas so others will want to join in."

Testing of a solar powered desalination project will begin in January at the Bureau of Reclamation?s Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility in Alamogordo. Louisiana-based Suns River Inc. is conducting the testing.

The conference also included tours of the Brackish Groundwater


Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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